
University of Oregon All-Campus Advising Association


By-Laws – Updated 2023

I. Article I: Name
The name of this association shall be the University of Oregon All-Campus Advising Association. The official acronym of this association shall be ACAA.

II. Article II: Vision
The University of Oregon All-Campus Advising Association promotes the highest quality of advising by supporting all faculty, staff, and students who hold an advising role at the UO, intentionally advancing advising as a profession, and fostering an advising community on campus. We aspire to help students establish a framework of lifelong learning and develop skills to become engaged, responsible, and creative community members. The ACAA supports the full mission of the university and is dedicated to the highest standards of academic inquiry, learning, and service.

III. Article III: Mission

1. The ACAA aims to establish an inclusive community on the UO campus to increase the quality and effectiveness of advising across campus.
2. The ACAA seeks to both recognize and promote the role of advising on the UO campus and in the field of student development.
3. The ACAA will provide a space for innovation to make significant contributions to the field of academic advising by establishing and adhering to a shared understanding of best practices.
4. The ACAA will provide a forum for addressing and discussing concerns and challenges that advisors face on the UO campus and in the advising field.
5. Through programming, the ACAA will provide opportunities for professional development, growth, and networking to all advisors at UO.
6. The ACAA will seek to increase advising-related communication across campus through the development of an advising listserv, the UO ACAA website and other means.
7. The ACAA will make efforts to identify and remove barriers to accessibility of all opportunities for engagement and professional growth in the association to foster equity and inclusion for all members.

IV. Article IV: Membership
Membership in the UO ACAA and opportunity for leadership shall be open to all individuals in the UO advising community, and there shall be no discrimination for reasons of religion, age, race or color, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, veteran status, or disability.

1. Eligibility:
a. Regular Member: Regular membership shall be open to all academic advisors, faculty advisors, officers of administration, counselors, career coaches, and other members of the University of Oregon community who are engaged in advising or hold an advising-related role on campus.
b. Student: All degree-seeking students (undergraduate and graduate) who are in good academic standing will enjoy all benefits of membership subject to the following limitations:

i. 1. Undergraduate students cannot serve on the executive committee, subcommittees, or vote.*
ii. 2. Graduate students cannot serve on the Executive Committee and are not permitted to vote; however, they can hold a position within the standing committees. No more than one graduate student may be a member of each standing committee.
iii. *If a meeting is deemed inappropriate for undergraduate/peer student advisors, these individuals will be notified and asked not to attend.

2. Becoming a Member:

a. While participation in UO ACAA events is open to all individuals in the UO advising community, the formal membership list shall consist of all individuals who complete the ACAA membership form.
b. Prospective members should fill out the form on the ACAA website ( to request to be added as a member of the association.

3. Membership Dues:

a. The UO ACAA does not currently charge membership dues.
b. Future proposals to require membership dues will be established by the Executive Committee and voted on by the UO ACAA membership.

V. Article V: Association Meetings

1. The UO ACAA currently holds two business meetings per year.

a. ACAA business meetings will be held each Fall term and Spring term. Pending any unforeseen circumstances, these meetings will be held the Week 0 for Fall and Finals Week/Week 11 for Spring.
b. The Executive Committee may call special meetings of the Association as needed.

2. Committees will create meetings and events as they see fit and invite members via the ACAA listserv.

VI. Article VI: Leadership & Executive Committee

1. Charge: The Executive Committee is appointed to coordinate, communicate, and organize the association. The Executive Committee will provide leadership for the advising community and the association and will manage the budget and allocate funds for the standing committees and the overall association.
2. The role of the Executive Committee will be to:

a. Draft, maintain and interpret the by-laws of ACAA. Any changes to the by-laws will be distributed to the ACAA members for their approval.
b. Form future committees as deemed necessary by the Association.
c. Liaison to the standing committees and support them in their goals.
d. Maintain communication between the standing committees and relay information and announcements to the membership.
e. Run the business meetings held twice per year.
f. Supervise the activities of the standing committees.
g. Continue to develop programming to advance the interest of the Association and its membership.
h. Engage in fundraising and resource collection as needed to support Association operations and programming.

3. Reporting: to maintain information continuity and clarity during committee transitions, the Executive Committee will write an end-of-year summary of what they accomplished and what they have planned for the following year.

a. The document will be shared at the Spring meeting.
b. The document will also be shared with the incoming Executive Committee members in the transition to the new year.

4. Duration and Configuration: The Executive Committee members will serve for one term (two years). Terms begin in September and end in August.

a. Executive committee membership should consist of two returning members and two new members each year. Minimum 4 members each year.
b. Committees are established at the Spring meeting and will begin their term in September and continue through the following August to allow for transition of duties and information.

5. Term limits: Members of the Executive Committee cannot serve two consecutive terms.

a. Term limit exceptions include when less than two people are nominated.
b. If a member is unable to commit to this overlap year, the Executive Committee will internally choose a replacement member, allowing an exception to the two-year limit.

6. Election of Executive Committee:

a. New members of the Executive Committee will be selected through voting by the members every year during the Spring term.
b. Nominations:

i. Call for nominations will be made during the Spring term.
ii. Members should follow the nomination process established by the Executive Committee.
iii. Nominations are open to all UO ACAA members.
iv. Members can nominate themselves or other members.
v. All nominated members will be notified and given the opportunity to withdraw their names before the voting process begins.
vi. *Graduate student members may not be nominated for the Executive Committee. Undergraduate members may not be nominated for any committee.

c. Voting:

i. After nominations are collected, the Executive Committee will issue a formal voting process via an anonymous survey.
ii. *Undergraduate and graduate students are not permitted to vote.

d. Selection:

i. The Executive Committee consists of a minimum of four members; consisting of at least two previous committee members, and at least two new members.
ii. Committee members cannot serve two consecutive terms on the Executive Committee.
iii. Advisors who are selected for positions within multiple committees are asked to rank their choices of committees. An advisor can only hold a seat on multiple committees when there are less than four individuals selected for each.
iv. Selected committee members will be notified by email from the Executive Committee and announced to the membership.
v. Mid-term elections may be held as deemed appropriate by the executive committee.

7. Removal: Executive Committee members may be removed for cause, or request removal, by majority vote of the Association.

Article VII: Standing Committees and Ad Hoc Committees

1. Charge: The Standing Committees and any Ad Hoc Committees are created by the Executive Committee and feedback from the ACAA members.
2. Reporting: to maintain information continuity and clarity during committee transitions, the Standing Committees will each write an end-of-year summary of what they accomplished and what they have planned for the following year.

a. The document will be shared at the Spring meeting.
b. The document will also be shared with the incoming Standing Committee members in the transition to the new year.

3. Duration and Configuration: The Standing Committee members will serve for one term (two years). Terms begin at the start of September and run until August.

a. The two newest Standing Committee members will overlap with the returning standing committee members. Overlap will continue each year to create continuity from year to year.
b. Standing committee membership should consist of at least two returning members and two new members each year. Minimum 4 members and maximum of 6 members.
c. Committees are established during the Spring term and will begin their term in September and continue through the following August to allow for transition of duties and information.

4. Term Limits: Members of the Standing Committees cannot serve two consecutive terms.

a. Term limit exceptions include when less than two new people volunteer to participate in the committee.
b. If a member is unable to commit to this overlap year, the Executive Committee and Standing Committee members will internally choose a replacement member or allow an exception to the two-year limit.

5. Selection

a. The composition of the Standing Committees is established through a call and self-nomination process each year.
b. Call:

i. Prior to the Spring meeting a call will be made for Standing Committee members to declare whether they plan to return to their committees for the following year.
ii. A call will also be made to all members of the Association listing the Standing Committees openings.

c. Self-Nomination:

i. Members of the Association will self-nominate using a process determined by the Executive Committee.
ii. If there are more nominations than positions, the Executive Committee will set up a process for members to vote for the self-nominated members.

d. Multiple Committee Membership & Notification:

i. Advisors who select positions within multiple committees are asked to select their first choice of committee. An advisor can only hold a seat on multiple committees when there are less than four individuals selected for each committee.
ii. Selected committee members will be notified by email from the Executive Committee and announced to the membership at the Spring meeting.
iii. Mid-term nominations may be held as deemed appropriate by the Executive Committee.

6. Removal: Standing Committee members may be removed for cause, or request removal, by majority vote of the Association.
7. Current Committee Names and Descriptions:

a. Advocacy: share the importance of advisors with leadership, advocate for the wants/needs of advisors as shared by members.
b. Awards: help recognize advisors for their amazing work.
c. Community Building: create opportunities for advisors to connect with one another.
d. Professional Development: build our collective and individual advising knowledge.

VIII. Article VIII: Amendments to By-Laws
1. Any member may submit a proposed amendment(s) to these by-laws to the Executive Committee.

a. Upon Executive Committee majority approval, the proposed amendment shall be submitted to the membership for a vote. Voting shall occur at the next business meeting following Executive Committee approval.
b. Amendments will be approved with a majority vote (51%) of members in attendance.

2. The complete bylaws will be reviewed and ratified every 5 years minimum.

IX. Article IX: Dissolution

1. Any member may submit a proposal to dissolve the ACAA to the Executive Committee.
2. Upon Executive Committee majority approval, the proposed dissolution shall be submitted to the membership for a vote. Voting shall occur at the next business meeting following Executive Committee approval.
3. Dissolution will be approved with a majority vote (51%) of members of the Association.

Updated:  9/22/2023