Student Support Resources

Professional and faculty advisors work with students from diverse backgrounds and with many different life experiences. It is important for advisors to be informed about cultural, health, financial, social, and economic forces that might affect a student in an educational setting.

The following information is outlined to help advisors become informed and guide students toward specific resources.

UO Offices or Programs that specialize in working with specific student populations

Accessible Education Center

Center for Multicultural Academic Excellence

Counseling and Testing Center

International Student & Scholar Services

LGBTQIA+ Education and Support

McNair Scholars Program

Nontraditional Student Programs


Student Support Services (TRiO)

Student Veterans

Support Services for Student Athletes

Teaching and Learning Center

Testing Center

Tutoring Resources

Math and Writing Lab

Small Group and Private Tutoring

Pre-Business Tutoring

Faculty and Staff Guide to Assisting Students of Concern (The Guide)

Suicide Report Form

Mandatory Reporting

The links below should be the start of a lifelong learning process. It is not possible for three or four articles to summarize broad cultural movements. Nor is it possible to be fully prepared to work with all of your students after a few days or weeks of background reading.  It is best to commit to reading about emerging issues (the increase in international students at US institutions, for example) or current events throughout your career as an advisor.

National links and resources that address critical issues for working with unique student populations

Students with Disabilities

First-Generation Students

Honors students

International Students

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered

Multicultural issues in advising

Native American students

Probationary students

Student Athletes

NACADA Monograph

Suicidal students

Transfer students

Undecided students 

Underprepared students

Advising Veterans