
ACAA Executive Committee:

Responsible for oversight of ACAA committees, ACAA listserv, regular updates and inter-advising departmental communication, programming as needed. Oversees nomination and placement process of committee members.

Average time commitment: 1-3 hrs/week

Awards Committee:

Solicits campus-wide nominations for ACAA advising awards to recognize advisors for their amazing work. Review nominations and make selections based on established rubric. Present awards to recipients at the End of Year Celebration. Coordinate run of show with the Community Building committee. Submit any suggested changes to awards/selection/nomination process to the ACAA Exec committee. Final changes will be approved by simple majority vote by current members of standing committees.

Average time commitment: 1-2 hrs/week (less at the start of the year, and more as the awards ceremony approaches during Spring term)

Professional Development Committee: (updated 2024)

Helps to build the UO’s collective advising knowledge, practice, and community by connecting ACAA members to national, local, and campus events and professional development. The committee will organize various opportunities for learning and engagement to support the professional growth of advisors across campus.  

Average time commitment: 0-2 hrs/week

Community Building Committee:

Enhance community and communication between advising units across campus by creating opportunities for advisors to connect with one another including both virtual and in-person events. Some examples could be informal small group gatherings and facilitating space for socializing, monthly coffee hour, volunteer opportunities, etc. New this year – responsible for planning and executing All-Campus Advising Award Ceremony in Spring term of the academic year.

Average time commitment: 0-2 hrs/week depending on the type of programming and other initiatives the committee develops and executes.

Advocacy Committee:

The ACAA Advocacy Committee:

  • Creates space for advisors to express needs, feedback, and hopes for growth
  • Collaborates with senior advising administrators to communicate and address advisor feedback
  • Connects with campus partners who share similar advocacy goals to amplify advisor voices and strengthen coalition within the advising community


Average time commitment: Likely 1-2 hrs/week depending on the type of programming and other initiatives the committee develops and executes.