I have put together some promotional materials for a new SPAN 399 Spanish & Community in Lane County course I’ll be piloting next term. I think it will be a great opportunity for students with 300-level Spanish proficiency in many majors and minors. I’m attaching my draft syllabus for your perusal. As you can see in the attached materials, students can use it toward the SPAN major or minor, the Global Studies major, and toward the Latinx Studies minor.
The prerequisites are SPAN 203, SPAN 228 or by instructor approval (those should be fixed on the Class Schedule this week).
Could you please help me spread the word to any advisors so they can mention it to students? I’m happy to answer any questions about it if they arise.
SPAN399_Draft Syllabus Spanish and Community in Lane County_Howarth_S25 (002)
Many thanks,
Kelley Howarth, M.A. (she, her, ella)
Career Faculty in Spanish
Department of Romance Languages
School of Global Studies and Languages
University of Oregon – College of Arts & Sciences
khowarth@uoregon.edu / rl.uoregon.edu
Message me using Microsoft Teams