A Message from your ACAA Executive Team

Dear fellow ACAA community,

Many of us feel anxious and uncertain about how the White House administration’s executive orders may impact us, our students, faculty, staff, and our communities.

We are sending this email to remind you that we have each other. We can uplift one another and use our collective strength to further our values of support and advocacy for students and advisors alike.

Below you will find opportunities for conversation, connection, and advocacy.


1. Today at 6pm: Professor Eman Abdelhadi on the Future of Palestine Activism on College Campuses.

2. ACAA Virtual Chat on Zoom Friday 2/7 @ 9am

    • there will be “space to share our feelings as advisors around recent regional/national/international policy changes and the effect this may have on our work and our students.”
    • Here is the meeting  Zoom link

3. Senate Teach-In: Oregon Sanctuary Laws – History, Campus Policies, and Your Rights on March 5 at 3pm

4. UO Dreamer Training

5. Resources that have been collected by ISSS

    • Some Legal Right Red Cards are available for students and staff at 101 Oregon Hall.

6. Wayne Morse Center’s series: Defending Democracy

7. Guidance from the UO General Counsel

    • “Whether you have questions about what to do if you receive a request from a federal agency or need consultation on a new initiative, we can help.”

8. Higher education websites (and join listservs/sign up for newsletters)

9. Provost Long’s Statement “Understanding the impact of federal executive orders on UO’s work and mission

10. UO Employee Assistance Program – the UO provides a comprehensive employee assistance program for eligible employees, their dependents and household members. The services are available at no cost.


We will be in touch with additional resources as we learn about them. Please reach out with questions or concerns.
Healthy wishes,
ACAA Executive Committee
Dane, Angela, Teresa, Courtney


Reminder: Virtual Coffee Chat & Puzzle on Friday!

Hello ACAA folks,

On behalf of the ACAA Community Building Committee, we want to send a reminder about our upcoming event this Friday, February 7th, the Virtual Coffee Chat & Puzzle!

Virtual Coffee Chat & Puzzle FlyerWe’ll be meeting on Zoom from 9am-10am to gather with advisors from across campus to socialize virtually. We’ll also be creating space to share our feelings as advisors around recent regional/national/international policy changes and the effect this may have on our work and our students.
We encourage you all to bring your own coffee, tea, etc. There will be a collaborative virtual puzzle happening in the background that you can work on if you’d like, but our main goal is to allow space for connection and conversation.

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 682 668 3354

With love from your ACAA Community Building Committee,

Bethany Runsten
Emily Henkelman
Mariah Helm
Natalie Smith
Sarah Harder
Sinthiya Islam

Region 8 & 9 NACADA Early Registration Deadlines

Hello ACAA community,


I wanted to draw attention to the Region 8 & 9 NACADA Conference in Anchorage, Alaska in March. Scroll to the bottom of the below email for more info.

Thank you to the Professional Development committee for plugging it in their last email!

They have moved the deadline for early bird registration to February 18th since the 17th is a national holiday in Canada and President’s Day here in the U.S.  (although we don’t get it off at UO).

I am on the planning committee for the conference, so if anyone has questions about it, I am happy to do my best to answer them!

Come join us in Alaska! 😊





Emily Henkelman-Parker | she/her/hers
Assistant Director of Undergraduate Student Services

Undergraduate Student Success Center
School of Journalism and Communication
University of Oregon
(541) 346-8709 | ehenkel@uoregon.edu


From: NACADA Region 5 <nacada@ksu.edu>
Date: Wednesday, February 5, 2025 at 9:42 AM
To: Emily Henkelman <ehenkel@uoregon.edu>
Subject: Region 3/Region 7 and Region 8/Region 9 Conferences | Early Registration Deadlines

NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advising

Hotel in Alaska - Ambiance Photo

Early Registration Deadline

11:59 p.m Tuesday, February 18, 2025

One meaning of the word Alyeska (Alaska) is “great land.” What could be better than great minds gathering in a great land? Join us for the Region 8/Region 9 Conference in Anchorage, Alaska March 17-19, 2025.

Leverage nature’s wonder by Navigating the Waters of Advising. Expand your horizons! Illuminate your advising practice with inspiration from the Northern Lights.

Team up with a fellow advisor or travel with a friend who has Alaska on their bucket list. Either way, make your way to this conference! Registration fees are going up Tuesday, February 18Register now!

Wondering what to do before or after the conference? Click here.

Region 8/Region 9 Conference | Anchorage, Alaska | March 17-19, 2025

Performing Arts Networking & Career Fair (2/7)

Hello UO advising community,

The 7th annual Performing Arts Networking & Career Fair is THIS FRIDAY, on February 7, 12-4 pm. Please help me share this opportunity with your students!

Email language below, plus a few attached graphics for any social media, emails, and TV displays you may be able to share this on. Let me know if you have any questions.

Performing Arts Networking & Career Fair Flyer

Thank you so much!!




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Help Wanted: Portland Internship Experience Application Reader

ACAA Friends – Many of you are likely already familiar with the Portland Internship Experience program, a summer program in which students complete an internship that allows them to make a difference in the Portland community – while also receiving a $7,000 stipend and career preparation/networking support.


As you’ll see below: The team at UO-Portland could use a few more staff members to help out as readers of student applications. I can speak from past experience as a reader: It really is inspiring to read what our students are including in their applications.


If you are able to help out, or want to learn more, please email Sarah Kutten or Elizabeth Gillingham.



Read more

DEADLINE EXTENDED! Call for Nominations: 2025 All-Campus Advising Awards

Dear colleagues,

The ACAA’s Awards & Recognition Committee is grateful for the many nominations submitted so far for this year’s advising awards. To give nominators additional time and encourage even more nominations (especially from students), we are extending the deadline to Friday, February 14. Again, we invite all UO students, faculty, staff, and alumni to nominate undergraduate advisors or mentors who demonstrate the qualities associated with outstanding advising. Further details about the awards and the review process can be found below, in our original call for nominations. The criteria for each award are listed on the ACAA website.

We’ve attached updated visuals (a flyer and an Instagram post) that reflect the revised deadline. Please help us spread the word through the channels available to you! Questions can be sent to any member of the committee at the addresses listed below.

ACAA Awards Flyer: Instagram File

ACAA Awards Flyer: Digital File


Thanks again for helping us recognize our exceptional colleagues. 🙌

Your 2025 ACAA Awards & Advisor Recognition Committee
Annie Reiva, SOJC (anner@uoregon.edu)
Jagdeep Bala, Psychology (jagdeep@uoregon.edu)
Mariah Deguzman, College of Education (mariahrd@uoregon.edu)
Greg Brock, College of Education (gbrock@uoregon.edu)
Will Brown, PathwayOregon (wbro@uoregon.edu)



ACAA Awards Nominations Instagram image with Feb 14th Deadline

UO Basic Needs Program SNAP Response to White House Executive Order

Hi all,

We’re aware of the executive order to freeze all federally funded programs to go into effect this evening at 5pm EST. However, we have checked in with the Oregon Department of Human Services (ODHS) and they said as of now, it’s business as usual. SNAP funds are distributed to the states and states distribute directly to the individuals. There’s no guarantee that this won’t change but for now, please help your students by having them follow us on IG: @uo_basicneeds, check out the SNAP page of our website, or connect with their ODHS office for updates.


I’ve attached our IG post which you may find helpful to share.





Julia Morrill, M.S.

Director of Basic Needs & Off Campus Community Support

Office of the Dean of Students | Division of Student Life

185 Oregon Hall



Website: https://basicneeds.uoregon.edu/

To make an appointment with me: https://tinyurl.com/bdhcusvx

Follow our work on Instagram: @uo_basicneeds and @uo_offcampusliving

Graduate Pathways Panel

*Update: thank you all for your responses! To accommodate a larger audience than expected, we are changing the venue for the panel to James Commons in Tykeson Hall. Looking forward to it! – Sam


Good afternoon advising colleagues,


During Winter term, the CAS advising team has been participating in a training series called Graduate Pathways, designed to help us advise students who may be interested in grad school. This series is culminating in a panel on February 5th in Pacific Hall 030 from 3-4:30, and you are all invited to attend!


The Graduate Pathways Panel will feature participants who have different kinds of investments in and experiences with graduate school, from senior administrators to current students.


The panelists are all affiliated with UO and are:

  • Lara Bovilsky, Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and Associate Professor of English
  • Patricia Lambert, Professor and Interim PhD Director in PPPM
  • Dee Jolly, PhD Student in Anthropology
  • Sofia Carlson, PhD Student in Biochemistry


This moderated panel will begin with set questions about the panelists’ experiences with graduate school, after which we hope to have a robust Q&A. Please feel free to bring your own burning questions about how to help students who have expressed interest in grad school!


Pacific 030 is a tight space, so we would appreciate having a head count in advance. Please RSVP to this event invitation in Outlook if you hope to or plan to attend.


In anticipation,


The Grad Pathways Planning team:

Ellen Fields

Sam Smith

Nate Wilkerson

Basic Needs upcoming events

Hi all,

I’m pleased to announce two major events for the Basic Needs Program. I’ve attached flyers for both and info below. Please share broadly. We’re looking forward to serving as many students as possible.


  1. Monday, February 3, 12:30pm – 4:30pm, presented by the Basic Needs Program and the Student Sustainability Center, Oregon DHS workers will be on campus to help students fill out and get approved for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). SNAP is a federal program that provides food-purchasing assistance for low and no-income persons. Join us for free food, info on food resources and live food demonstrations. EMU Crater Lake Rooms

SNAP Fair Poster

2. Wednesday, Feb 5, 11am-3pm, The annual Housing and Community Resources Fair will be held in the EMU Gumwood room and Ballroom. Join us to explore both on and off campus housing options, learn about renters’ rights and resources, play games, win fun prizes, and find your next home.


Additionally, we’ve made significant user-friendly improvements to the following websites, with updated information and resources for students who are renting off-campus.

https://dos.uoregon.edu/offcampus (general off-campus living info including a new Housing Index)

https://offcampushousing.uoregon.edu/ (the official UO website for students to find off campus roommates and housing options)


Let me know if you have questions.



Julia Morrill, M.S.

Director of Basic Needs & Off Campus Community Support

Office of the Dean of Students | Division of Student Life

185 Oregon Hall



Website: https://basicneeds.uoregon.edu/

To make an appointment with me: https://tinyurl.com/bdhcusvx

Follow our work on Instagram: @uo_basicneeds and @uo_offcampusliving

ACAA Membership Survey – Please Complete

Hello ACAA List-Serv Subscribers,


As mentioned at the ACAA Winter Townhall, our List-Serv is widely available and is not restricted solely to those with an advising role on campus. In order to formalize our membership body according to ACAA Bylaws, the Executive Committee is requesting that all members complete this ACAA Membership Form so we have record of our official membership that is distinct from those subscribed to the List-Serv.


For definitions and information about what privileges are provided exclusively to members please refer to the ACAA Bylaws on our website. If you are uncertain if your role meets eligibility requirements, please complete the form anyway.


If you are unable to use the Membership Form link, please copy and paste the following web address into your browser: https://oregon.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0rlddid67bmQcBM


Dane Eckweiler

Academic and Career Advisor

College of Arts & Sciences Advising

(541) 346-9200 | deck@uoregon.edu | He/Him/His