Spring 2025 Momentum Sessions

Hi ACAA! I’m already planning for the Spring 2025 Momentum Sessions (accountability groups) hosted by Peer Academic Coaches – if you’re meeting with students who might be interested, encourage them to sign-up so that they’re the first to know when Momentum Session registration opens for next term! https://oregon.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3ypSMAOEya4Avvo (this link also lives on the PAC page of TAEC’s website: https://engage.uoregon.edu/pac )


Not sure what a Momentum Session is?

Momentum Sessions graphic

Joining a Momentum Session will help students:

  • connect with peers
  • practice and learn impactful study habits
  • have dedicated time work on your tasks

As a group, they will learn from each other, sharing resources and strategies, while celebrating accomplishments and successes!

Each Momentum Session will have 50 minutes to meet weekly in the Tutoring and Academic Engagement Center, starting Week 3.






Michael Gwynn (he/him)

Class Encore Coordinator

Tutoring and Academic Engagement Center

E mgwynn@uoregon.edu

T 541-346-2377


Re-IntroDUCKtion Workshop Series Winter Edition: Experiential Learning

ACAA team! 🙂

We have been in the process of implementing some major specific programming over here in the College of Arts & Sciences, Social Sciences division, and we wanted to make sure this information/opportunity reaches each office, and to your students. I’ve included some context and the messaging that has already been sent to declared students but please feel free to share with students that you think may benefit. There are flyers attached and graphics at the bottom.


Context reminder:

Over the summer of 2024 we moved more than 500+ students through group advising for Psychology and 125+ incoming and transfer Environmental Science & Environmental Studies students as well. As an advising group we have decided that was just not enough time! So, we decided to develop (pilot) a yearlong advising workshop series for AY 2024-25 called “Re-IntroDUCKtion”. Fall term we started by doing a full major overview for these 3 majors and are happy to say that we were able to support more than 125 students! For winter term, we are going to shift our focus to experiential learning and work to inform students about all of the ways they can lean deeper into their major.


Student messaging:

We’re so happy to have you on campus and welcome you to the University of Oregon! This last summer’s IntroDUCKtion flew by, fall term is now a distant memory, and now it’s time to do a deeper dive and explore all the ways you can get more involved in your major. As a Psychology/Environmental Science/Environmental Studies major you are part of a year-long workshop series called Re-IntroDUCKtion. Over the course of this coming year we will do a major deep dive (fall-done!), explore opportunities to get involved in the major (winter-sign up now!) and investigate potential career pathways (spring-coming soon!).


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Graduate Pathways Panel

Good afternoon advising colleagues,


During Winter term, the CAS advising team has been participating in a training series called Graduate Pathways, designed to help us advise students who may be interested in grad school. This series is culminating in a panel on February 5th in Pacific Hall 030 from 3-4:30, and you are all invited to attend!


The Graduate Pathways Panel will feature participants who have different kinds of investments in and experiences with graduate school, from senior administrators to current students.


The panelists are all affiliated with UO and are:

  • Lara Bovilsky, Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and Associate Professor of English
  • Patricia Lambert, Professor and Interim PhD Director in PPPM
  • Dee Jolly, PhD Student in Anthropology
  • Sofia Carlson, PhD Student in Biochemistry


This moderated panel will begin with set questions about the panelists’ experiences with graduate school, after which we hope to have a robust Q&A. Please feel free to bring your own burning questions about how to help students who have expressed interest in grad school!


Pacific 030 is a tight space, so we would appreciate having a head count in advance. Please RSVP to this event invitation in Outlook if you hope to or plan to attend.


In anticipation,


The Grad Pathways Planning team:

Ellen Fields

Sam Smith

Nate Wilkerson

ACAA Kudos and February 7th Virtual event: Coffee and Puzzle!

Hello ACAA Family,


It was wonderful to connect with so many of you yesterday! A few updates and reminders from the Community Building Committee:


  • We wanted to share out the 45 kudos (!!) that were submitted! We of course did not have time to read all of them yesterday, so see attached to read all of the wonderful shoutouts to the advising committee! (ACAA Winter Kudos)

Virtual Coffee Chat & Puzzle Flyer

  • Our next event of Winter term will be a Virtual Coffee Chat & Puzzle on February 7th!


Mark your calendars for: Friday February 7th from 9am-10am to gather with advisors from across campus to socialize virtually! We don’t have an agenda for the meeting, but we encourage you all to bring your own coffee, tea, etc. and join us for a midterm break!

There will be a collaborative virtual puzzle happening in the background that you can work on or you can just chat and connect with colleagues.

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 682 668 3354





With love from your ACAA Community Building Committee,


Bethany Runsten

Emily Henkelman

Mariah Helm

Natalie Smith

Sarah Harder

Sinthiya Isalm

Save the Date for Our Winter Advising Workshop

Winter Advising Workshop Flyer - Accessible PDF linked in blog post

Hello ACAA Members,

The Professional Development Committee is excited to announce the first event in our forthcoming series “Practice to Presentation.” The series is designed to help advisors turn their advising practice and experience into something they can share at a regional or national advising conference. The series will culminate in an advising conference at UO for folks to:

  • Share their advising knowledge
  • Learn new advising processes and approaches
  • Connect with other advisors on campus
  • Practice presenting their research in a safe and welcoming space

Our first event, “Turning Advising Practice into Shareable Knowledge” will be held on March 13th from 9:00 -11:00 am in Tykeson Commons. 

Breakfast will be included, and seats are limited to 40, so please RSVP by Feb 14 via this link.

In our winter workshop, we’ll reflect on our advising practices, brainstorm potential research questions, and collaborate on presentation projects. We will also discuss what “research” means in a professional advising context. No experience or familiarity with research, advising or otherwise, is required or expected!

We hope to see you there!


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Call for Nominations: 2025 All-Campus Advising Awards

The All-Campus Advising Association welcomes nominations for the 2024-25 ACAA Awards! The awards recognize excellence in undergraduate advising provided by staff, faculty, and student-workers at the UO. To honor the university’s wide variety of advisors and their diverse contributions to student success, we invite students, faculty, staff, and alumni to nominate undergraduate advisors or mentors who demonstrate the qualities associated with outstanding advising. The criteria for each award can be found on the ACAA website. Nominations are due by Friday, January 31, 2025.


  • Outstanding Professional Advisor
  • Outstanding Faculty Advisor
  • Outstanding New Advisor
  • Excellence in Advising Special Populations
  • Excellence in Career Support Services
  • Excellence in Undergraduate Peer Advising*
  • Distinguished Service to Advising at UO**


*Nominations for this award must come from the nominee’s supervisor.

**Nominations for this award come from leadership of the various colleges, divisions, and programs at UO.

Please note: nominators may submit only one nomination per award.


A committee of faculty members and professional advisors will review nominations over Winter term according to a scoring rubric that can be viewed on the ACAA website. To help determine the recipient of each award, the committee will work with finalists to solicit testimonials from close colleagues or supervisors. Each awardee will receive a prize and recognition at the ACAA’s End-of-Year Celebration and Awards Ceremony on Friday, June 6 at 10am-12pm, location TBA.


We could use your help to spread the word, so please make use of the attached visuals. Questions can be sent to any member of the committee at the addresses listed below. Thank you for helping us celebrate our excellent colleagues!


Your 2025 ACAA Awards & Advisor Recognition Committee

Annie Reiva, SOJC (anner@uoregon.edu)

Jagdeep Bala, Psychology (jagdeep@uoregon.edu)

Mariah Deguzman, College of Education (mariahrd@uoregon.edu)

Greg Brock, College of Education (gbrock@uoregon.edu)

Will Brown, PathwayOregon (wbro@uoregon.edu)


Ducks on Track – Utilization Survey for Advising Community (with corrected link)



Please provide valuable feedback regarding your experience using Ducks on Track. We’d appreciate it if you could complete this brief survey by January 28, 2025. Thank you for your input so we can best serve you serving students!


Link:  https://oregon.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3dznoFu4KpWxxky

QR Code:


As always, please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.




Erica Abbe and Celena Simpson


Erica L. Abbe, MS   (She/Her)

Degree Progression Manager

Degree Progression Team | Division of Undergraduate Education and Student Success

University of Oregon

eabbe@uoregon.edu | 541.346.2206

Winter Career Readiness Week

ACAA Friends,


Winter Career Readiness Week is coming up soon! As always, I ask for your help with sharing our CRW information with students – below you’ll find links to promotional materials, or the bottom of this message is email content that you can pass along to others.


Thanks so much for your help – Go Ducks!


Paul Timmins

University Career Center


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New Year, New Colleague Connections

Hello, and welcome back to a new term!

As we head into a new term, we will be continuing Colleague Connections—with the same connections as fall term. If, for any reason, you cannot continue with colleague connections this term, or it you need to switch connections, email Sarah at sharde@uoregon.edu. 

If you did not have the chance to sign up in the fall, but would like to now, fill out the attached (and short) survey by this Friday, January 17th: https://app.smartsheet.com/b/form/389d0f3f88bd4c84b12b97a73d37d86a

Colleague Connections matches two advisors from different departments, in order to get to know colleagues that you don’t work with regularly. These meetings are informal–they are not tracked and you can chat about anything you would like. You’re welcome to connect at other ACAA events throughout the fall term, but we hope that you will meet up on your own as well!

From your ACAA Community Building Committee,

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