DUE TODAY! Nominations for the 2025 All-Campus Advising Awards

Dear colleagues,

Today is the deadline to submit nominations for the 2025 All-Campus Advising Awards. If you’re still working on a nomination—or planning to start one—please make sure to get it in before the portal closes at midnight.

The ACAA Awards & Recognition committee wishes to thank everyone who has submitted nominations or helped us to get the word out. We appreciate you! Thanks for giving us an opportunity to learn more about all the tremendous work our colleagues are doing to support students at UO.

All our best,

Your 2025 ACAA Awards & Advisor Recognition Committee

Annie Reiva, SOJC (anner@uoregon.edu)

Jagdeep Bala, Psychology (jagdeep@uoregon.edu)

Mariah Deguzman, College of Education (mariahrd@uoregon.edu)

Greg Brock, College of Education (gbrock@uoregon.edu)

Will Brown, PathwayOregon (wbro@uoregon.edu)

ACAA+PE & Rec Coffee Hour

Dear ACAA colleagues, ACAA PE & Rec Center Coffee Hour Flyer
If you have already accepted the previous invite, apologies for the double invite/email. Just to clarify, this will be an in-person event, not virtual.

Join us at the Department of Physical Education and Recreation on March 7th from 9-10:30 AM to learn how we can enhance academic success and overall well-being for the UO community (students, and you too). This session will provide a look at the diverse PE classes and programming, world-class facilities, and valuable resources available to UO students, faculty, and staff members.

This is an informal opportunity to gather, have coffee and morning pastries while connecting with the PE & Rec Team to learn more. Participants are invited to tour the Student Rec Center and even stop in the Zen Zone for a 15-minute chair massage or try a quick yoga session.

Enjoy your weekend!

PE & Rec Team

Reminder: Virtual Coffee Chat & Puzzle on Friday!

Hello ACAA folks,

On behalf of the ACAA Community Building Committee, we want to send a reminder about our upcoming event this Friday, February 7th, the Virtual Coffee Chat & Puzzle!

Virtual Coffee Chat & Puzzle FlyerWe’ll be meeting on Zoom from 9am-10am to gather with advisors from across campus to socialize virtually. We’ll also be creating space to share our feelings as advisors around recent regional/national/international policy changes and the effect this may have on our work and our students.
We encourage you all to bring your own coffee, tea, etc. There will be a collaborative virtual puzzle happening in the background that you can work on if you’d like, but our main goal is to allow space for connection and conversation.

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 682 668 3354

With love from your ACAA Community Building Committee,

Bethany Runsten
Emily Henkelman
Mariah Helm
Natalie Smith
Sarah Harder
Sinthiya Islam

DEADLINE EXTENDED! Call for Nominations: 2025 All-Campus Advising Awards

Dear colleagues,

The ACAA’s Awards & Recognition Committee is grateful for the many nominations submitted so far for this year’s advising awards. To give nominators additional time and encourage even more nominations (especially from students), we are extending the deadline to Friday, February 14. Again, we invite all UO students, faculty, staff, and alumni to nominate undergraduate advisors or mentors who demonstrate the qualities associated with outstanding advising. Further details about the awards and the review process can be found below, in our original call for nominations. The criteria for each award are listed on the ACAA website.

We’ve attached updated visuals (a flyer and an Instagram post) that reflect the revised deadline. Please help us spread the word through the channels available to you! Questions can be sent to any member of the committee at the addresses listed below.

ACAA Awards Flyer: Instagram File

ACAA Awards Flyer: Digital File


Thanks again for helping us recognize our exceptional colleagues. 🙌

Your 2025 ACAA Awards & Advisor Recognition Committee
Annie Reiva, SOJC (anner@uoregon.edu)
Jagdeep Bala, Psychology (jagdeep@uoregon.edu)
Mariah Deguzman, College of Education (mariahrd@uoregon.edu)
Greg Brock, College of Education (gbrock@uoregon.edu)
Will Brown, PathwayOregon (wbro@uoregon.edu)



ACAA Awards Nominations Instagram image with Feb 14th Deadline

ACAA Kudos and February 7th Virtual event: Coffee and Puzzle!

Hello ACAA Family,


It was wonderful to connect with so many of you yesterday! A few updates and reminders from the Community Building Committee:


  • We wanted to share out the 45 kudos (!!) that were submitted! We of course did not have time to read all of them yesterday, so see attached to read all of the wonderful shoutouts to the advising committee! (ACAA Winter Kudos)

Virtual Coffee Chat & Puzzle Flyer

  • Our next event of Winter term will be a Virtual Coffee Chat & Puzzle on February 7th!


Mark your calendars for: Friday February 7th from 9am-10am to gather with advisors from across campus to socialize virtually! We don’t have an agenda for the meeting, but we encourage you all to bring your own coffee, tea, etc. and join us for a midterm break!

There will be a collaborative virtual puzzle happening in the background that you can work on or you can just chat and connect with colleagues.

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 682 668 3354





With love from your ACAA Community Building Committee,


Bethany Runsten

Emily Henkelman

Mariah Helm

Natalie Smith

Sarah Harder

Sinthiya Isalm

Call for Nominations: 2025 All-Campus Advising Awards

The All-Campus Advising Association welcomes nominations for the 2024-25 ACAA Awards! The awards recognize excellence in undergraduate advising provided by staff, faculty, and student-workers at the UO. To honor the university’s wide variety of advisors and their diverse contributions to student success, we invite students, faculty, staff, and alumni to nominate undergraduate advisors or mentors who demonstrate the qualities associated with outstanding advising. The criteria for each award can be found on the ACAA website. Nominations are due by Friday, January 31, 2025.


  • Outstanding Professional Advisor
  • Outstanding Faculty Advisor
  • Outstanding New Advisor
  • Excellence in Advising Special Populations
  • Excellence in Career Support Services
  • Excellence in Undergraduate Peer Advising*
  • Distinguished Service to Advising at UO**


*Nominations for this award must come from the nominee’s supervisor.

**Nominations for this award come from leadership of the various colleges, divisions, and programs at UO.

Please note: nominators may submit only one nomination per award.


A committee of faculty members and professional advisors will review nominations over Winter term according to a scoring rubric that can be viewed on the ACAA website. To help determine the recipient of each award, the committee will work with finalists to solicit testimonials from close colleagues or supervisors. Each awardee will receive a prize and recognition at the ACAA’s End-of-Year Celebration and Awards Ceremony on Friday, June 6 at 10am-12pm, location TBA.


We could use your help to spread the word, so please make use of the attached visuals. Questions can be sent to any member of the committee at the addresses listed below. Thank you for helping us celebrate our excellent colleagues!


Your 2025 ACAA Awards & Advisor Recognition Committee

Annie Reiva, SOJC (anner@uoregon.edu)

Jagdeep Bala, Psychology (jagdeep@uoregon.edu)

Mariah Deguzman, College of Education (mariahrd@uoregon.edu)

Greg Brock, College of Education (gbrock@uoregon.edu)

Will Brown, PathwayOregon (wbro@uoregon.edu)


Jesse Nelson’s farewell reception – January 14

Dear Colleagues,


As many of you may already be aware, Jesse Nelson, Assistant Vice-Provost for Advising and Accessibility, will be leaving the University of Oregon to become the Executive Director of Connected Lane County. This local non-profit supports underserved youth in their preparation for postsecondary opportunities.


I am grateful for Jesse’s leadership over the past four years. He joined UESS during the pandemic, fully remote, amidst endless back-to-back Zoom meetings. Even then, Jesse’s warmth, positive outlook, and collaborative approach to supporting students came through clearly. In his role, Jesse oversaw the Office of Academic Advising, TRIO Student Support Services, and the Accessible Education Center, and has been instrumental in advancing student success through policy revision, coordination of shared advising practices, and building partnerships with stakeholders at all levels of the institution. For so many across campus, including myself, Jesse has been a thoughtful, caring, and trusted colleague.


Please drop in for a farewell reception for Jesse Nelson on January 14, between 3:00 – 4:30pm in the Gerlinger Alumni Lounge.  I hope you will join us to wish Jesse well!


Read more

ACAA Advising Awards & End of Year Celebration

On behalf of the UO All-Campus Advising Association, please hold your calendars for the 2024 ACAA Advising Awards Banquet & End of Year Celebration on

Friday, June 7, 2024, from 10:00am-Noon. 

This year’s celebration will be held in the Gerlinger Lounge.

Please pass along to colleagues and departmental list-serves to help us spread the word recognizing outstanding undergraduate advising and celebrating advising colleagues across the UO campus!

ACAA Advising Awards Banquet


On behalf of the UO All-Campus Advising Association, please hold your calendars for the 2023 Excellence in Advising Awards Banquet on Friday, June 9, 2023, from 12:00-1:45.  This year’s celebration will be held in the Gerlinger Lounge.

Please pass along to colleagues and departmental list-serves to help us spread the word acknowledging outstanding undergraduate advising and celebrating advising colleagues across the UO campus!  Two graphics are included for social media and other platforms in your departments.

2021 Advisor Awards Program

In recognition of the significant role undergraduate advising/mentoring plays in fostering academic excellence at the University of Oregon, the Division of Undergraduate Education and Student Success (UESS) and the All-Campus Advising Association (ACAA) annually collaborates to provide two undergraduate advising/mentoring awards. This program highlights the outstanding professional and faculty advising/mentoring on the University of Oregon campus. 

One professional advisor and one faculty advisor will receive a $2000 award each, generously provided by UESS. 

Faculty, students, staff, and officers of administration are welcome to nominate professional and faculty advisors who exemplify excellence in advising and meet the following eligibility requirements: 

  • Outstanding Professional Advisor: Any professional whose job dictates that the majority of his/her responsibilities are in undergraduate advising. 
  • Outstanding Faculty Advisor: Any appointed tenure track, non-tenure track, or adjunct faculty member who mentors or advises undergraduate students in addition to significant teaching and research responsibilities. 

If you need to look up who your advisor is or which department or office they work in, use the Find an Advisor page

If you have questions, please contact advisingawards@uoregon.edu. 

The evaluation process: Nominations are an important part of this process and so the more information provided in the nomination, the better. Finalists will be narrowed down by the selection committee and asked to submit an advising philosophy to determine the winners of the award. 

Click here to access the nomination survey and thank you for supporting our fantastic undergraduate advisors. 

Please submit your nominations by March 1st, 2021.