{ACAA} Kudos Time @ Advising Town Hall on 1/14

Hello all,


On behalf of the ACAA Community Building Committee, we hope you had a restful winter break and holiday time!


We are excited to announce that during the Winter Advising Town Hall on January 14th from 9:00am to 11:00am in EMU 214 (Redwood Auditorium), our committee will dedicate time to recognize and celebrate our outstanding advisors. We’d like to invite you to submit kudos, either anonymously or with your name, to be read aloud at the event.


To submit your kudos, please complete this Qualtrics form by Monday, January 13th, at 5pm.


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New Year, New Awards! 2024


The All-Campus Advising Association welcomes nominations for the 2023-24 ACAA Awards! The awards recognize excellence in undergraduate advising provided by staff, faculty, and student-workers at the UO. This year, the ACAA is expanding its list of awards to better honor the university’s wide variety of advisors and their diverse contributions to student success.

Faculty, students, staff, and alumni are all encouraged to nominate undergraduate advisors or mentors who demonstrate the qualities and practices associated with outstanding advising, which the ACAA defines as “educational integrity, fostering academic excellence, support of students, cultural competency, and professional development.” Specific criteria for each award and the nomination portal can be found here.

Nominations are due by Friday, February 23Please note: nominators may submit only one nomination per award.



On behalf of the UO All-Campus Advising Association, please hold your calendars for the 2024 ACAA Advising Awards Banquet & End of Year Celebration on Friday, June 7, 2024, from 10:00am-Noon. This year’s celebration will be held in the Gerlinger Lounge.

Please pass along to colleagues and departmental list-serves to help us spread the word recognizing outstanding undergraduate advising and celebrating advising colleagues across the UO campus!

2020 Advisor Awards Program

In recognition of the significant role undergraduate advising/mentoring plays in fostering academic excellence at the University of Oregon, the Division of Undergraduate Education and Student Success (UESS) and the All-Campus Advising Association (ACAA) annually collaborates to provide two undergraduate advising/mentoring awards. This program highlights the outstanding faculty and professional advising/mentoring on the University of Oregon campus.

One faculty advisor and one professional advisor will receive a $2000 award each, generously provided by UESS. The recipients who best exhibit the qualities associated with excellent advising will be recognized at an awards brunch on Thursday, May 28th, 2020.

Faculty, students, staff, and officers of administration are welcome to nominate faculty and professional advisors who exemplify excellence in advising and meet the following eligibility requirements:

  • Outstanding Professional Advisor: Any professional whose job dictates that the majority of his/her responsibilities are in undergraduate advising.
  • Outstanding Faculty Advisor: Any appointed tenure track, non-tenure track, or adjunct faculty member who mentors or advises undergraduate students in addition to significant teaching and research responsibilities.

If you need to look up who your advisor is or which department or office they work in, use the Find an Advisor page.

If you have questions, please contact advisingawards@uoregon.edu.

The evaluation process: Nominations are an important part of this process, therefore the more information provided in the nomination, the better. Finalists will be narrowed down by the selection committee and ask to submit an advising philosophy to determine the winners of the award. All nominated advisors will be notified of their nomination alongside award winners in early May.

Click here to access the Nomination Survey and thank you for supporting our fantastic undergraduate advisors.

Please submit your nomination by February 14th, 2020.