Professional Development

February 2025

Hello ACAA members!

It was so great getting to see some of you at the Town Hall and the ACAA Committee Meeting. Here is your monthly PD opportunities email for February – lots of cool events coming up! You may also see opportunities from previous months that still are relevant listed here, just in case you missed them the first time around.

  NACADA/Conference Updates:

  • The deadline for early registration for the regional NACADA conference (March 17-19th, 2025 in Anchorage Alaska) is February 17th. 
  • The submission deadline for proposals for the National NACADA conference (October 26-29th, 2025 in Las Vegas, NV) is February 27th. 
  • Note: If you are planning to attend one of the upcoming NACADA conferences (or any conference for that matter), please reach out to us! We’d love to share out a blurb regarding anything you learned, or any handouts/articles that you want to pass along to other advisors in one of our future newsletters.





As always, feel free to reach out to us if you want us to spread the word about any PD opportunities or if you have any suggestions for us!

Happy learning!

Your ACAA Professional Development Committee Members


January 2025

Hello fellow ACAA members!

We hope you had a very restful winter break and are feeling restored for the New Year. Here is your monthly PD opportunities email for January!




As always, feel free to reach out to us if you want us to spread the word about any PD opportunities or if you have any suggestions for us!

Happy learning!


Your ACAA Professional Development Committee Members


December 2024

Hello fellow ACAA members!   Here is your monthly PD opportunities email for November/December! We know this has been a busy month for advising folks, so hopefully you will get some time in the next few weeks to rest and maybe do some professional development 🙂 As a reminder, UO’s Workplace Harassment and Discrimination Prevention Training is to be completed by everyone by January 29, 2025.   Articles:



As always, feel free to reach out to us if you want us to spread the word about any PD opportunities or if you have any suggestions for us!   Happy learning!

Your ACAA Professional Development Committee Members


November 2024

Hello fellow ACAA members! We hope you are having a smooth start to the 2024-2025 school year. The last few weeks, the UO ACAA Professional Development Committee has been collaborating and generating different ideas regarding 1) what PD opportunities currently exist, and 2) which of these could be helpful to our members. Thank you to everyone who participated in our PD survey this month! As a part of our efforts this year, we would love to support you all by sending out monthly emails with various professional development opportunities found across different organizations. These could include articles, videos, upcoming conferences, presentations, etc. Some may be free to you as UO employees and others may have registration fees, so keep an eye out for those! Also, if you know of any great opportunities that you want other members to know about, feel free to send them to any of the ACAA PD Committee Members (emails below) and we will be happy to spread the word!  Note: You have access to The Chronicle when you are using the campus network! Articles: 


  Conferences/Presentations/Workshops (will need to register for these):

 Happy learning,

Your ACAA Professional Development Committee Members


The ACAA offers two professional development opportunities for members during fall, winter, and spring terms.  Below are previous presentations:

7/7/16 (special summer event)   Kimberly Johnson, Director of Academic Advising and Grant Schoonover, Director of Pathway Oregon

  • Director of OAA and Pathway Oregon discussed UO data that reviewed factors important to retention and time to degree, and discussed advising strategies to promote student persistence and timely graduation.

6/1/16 Maure Smith-Benanti, Director of LGBT Education and Support Services

  • Maure provided an overview of campus’s Queer Ally Coalition and discussed sexual orientation and gender identity to increase the effectiveness of academic advising.  In addition, she provided a link for ACAA members to become an LGBT+ Ally (Queer Ally Coalition) – open to all members of the UO community.

4/26/16 Grant Schoonover, Director of Pathway Oregon

  • Director, Grant Schoonover, of Pathway Oregon Program: the increase in retention rates for Pathway Oregon students and provided an overview of the program’s mission.  He highlighted that the University of Oregon’s mission is to promise full tuition and fees, and comprehensive support for Oregonians who are first-time freshmen, up to 2 years out of high school, and who are Pell Grant eligible. Academic Advisors learned how to best support Pathway students as well as students who are accessing TRiO and Student Support Services.

3/9/16 Al Siebel, Alcohol and Drug Coordinator, University Counseling and Testing Center

  • Representatives from the UO Collegiate Recovery Center (CRC) gave an overview of this relatively new campus program and discussed the important role it plays for students in recovery. In addition, a CRC member shared his own story and how the CRC has helped him. Presenters then facilitated a discussion.

1/20/16 Brian Lowery, Associate University Registrar

  • Brian Lowery from the UO Office of the Registrar led an interactive training on Schedule Builder. Advisors were given a step-by-step demonstration of how to help students build schedules using this web-based interactive tool designed to optimize course offerings and selections for each term. The training was held in a computer lab, so participants were able to walk through the various steps.


  • In response to the recent UCC tragedy, many of us may have already attended the active shooter training that Office of Emergency Management and Continuity is providing to UO faculty and staff. While this training has touched on prevention, its main objective has been to teach survival strategies for such a situation if one were to occur. This ACAA professional development event focused solely on the prevention piece to explore what advisors can do to recognize students of concern and be clear on correct protocol and support service options, as well as have a conversation about what we can do to provide a more inclusive and supportive environment for students in order to prevent these types of tragedies. Panel participants from the Office of the Dean of Students, Counseling & Testing Center, and Division of Student Life provided information about their own services and strategies.

10/15/15 Daniel Pascoe Aguilar, Director of Career Center

  • In this UOAdvantage Experiential Learning Collaboration for Student Career Readiness session, participants 1) further learned AACU, CERI, DOL, and NACE data/arguments about the importance of experiential learning and our critical on/off-campus collaboration to facilitate students’ career readiness through scaffolded co-curricular experiences. Through inductive exercises/conversations, participants also 2) problem solved about ways in which student support professionals can partner on and off campus to effectively facilitate students’ experiential learning and their concrete preparation for their next steps after college. Finally, participants 3) learned about the UO Division of Student Life UOAdvantage Experiential Learning or Co-curricular Transcript Interface, its exciting cross-divisional partnerships and its projected student engagement and experiential-learning data.


  • Lisa Calevi, Campus and Partner Relations Manager for Global Education Oregon and Michelle Hyde-Wright, Study Abroad Adviser discussed the integration of Study Abroad Programs and AHA International joining to form a new unit called Global Education Oregon. Participants learned about study abroad opportunities and the role of advising in the planning process for study abroad.


  • Staci Miles, Assistant Director of Financial Aid and Reed McCue, Financial Aid Counselor explored the possible financial aid consequences students may face should they choose to withdraw from a single course or the entire term. Withdrawing from courses, whether it be a single course or complete withdrawal, could possibly have a large impact on a student’s current and future financial aid. They also discussed Satisfactory Academic Progress along with general financial aid deadlines for applying and turning in required documentation and the impact of not meeting deadlines.  
  • Renae DeSautel, Sexual Violence Response and Support Services Coordinator, led a professional development training session regarding how to fulfill our legal duty to report incidents of sexual harassment and sexual assault. She also discussed how to refer students to appropriate resources.


  • Pam Farmer, Ph.D., Director of Professional Development for the University of Oregon facilitated a “Crucial Conversations with Students” workshop. Participants learned strategies for “conversations around emotional and/or risky topics and best practices for making high quality, mutually beneficial decisions when dealing with others.”


  • International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS) Assistant Director Andy Shiotani gave an overview of the resources and exciting new programs available to international students. He also reviewed tips and recommendations for advising international students facing academic or other challenges.


  • Lisa Freinkel, Vice Provost for Undergraduate Studies facilitated a worksop on mindfulness in the context of academic advising.


  • Grant Schoonover, a member of UO’s Suicide Prevention Team and Teaching and Learning Center advisor, facilitated a workshop on suicide prevention.  The workshop reviewed suicide warning signs, steps to effective intervention, and appropriate campus resources.


  • Miranda Atkinson, the Assistant Director of Student Services in the School of Journalism, presented her NACADA Best of Region presentation on Motivational Interviewing.  This session helped attendees understand the theory behind Motivational Interviewing, learn and practice key Motivational Interviewing skills, and determine appropriate applications in academic advising. 


  • Deanna Chappell Belcher, Service-Learning Program Director, provided an overview of the Service-Learning Program, projects that students have been involved with, class options, and what advisors should know to help students get connected.  The Service-Learning Program engages the university and the broader community in partnerships to create educational programs for students, promote leadership through service, foster and promote inclusive environments, and advance social justice and civic engagement.


  • Victoria Moran, from the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships, shared the new federal and institutional policies and procedures concerning the Pell Grant and Return of Title IV (Federal) Funds, as well as the potential financial aid implications for students who make a complete withdrawal or who earn non-passing grades during a term.


  • The A-Game: Promoting Student Learning with Spaced Study Sessions, Concept Mapping, and Rehearsal Learning – PowerPoint


  • Understanding required UO employee reporting responsibilities of incidents of discrimination, sexual harassment, and child abuse – handout


  • NACADA Webinar – Advising Strategies for Students who are on Academic Probation, Facing Dismissal, or Seeking Reinstatement – handout


  • NACADA Webinar – Advising ESL and International Students – handout


  • NACADA Webinar – Advising Transfer Students:  Strategies for Today’s Realities and Tomorrow’s Challenges – handout


  • Working with Students on Academic Probation – PowerPoint


  • Presentation from Study Abroad



  • Presentation from the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships – notes


  • CMAE


Promoting Student Learning with Spaced Study Sessions, Concept Mapping and Rehearsal Learning