ACAA Virtual 2020 Academic Awards Celebration and Social

We’re excited to invite you all to the ACAA Virtual 2020 Academic Awards Celebration and Social on Thursday, October 29th at 3:30pm. We are especially excited about this virtual gathering as we will be joined by Dr. Doneka Scott, Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education and Student Success, who will be announcing the 2020 Excellence in Advising Award Recipients. Please join us in celebrating our award winners during the first half of the gathering and feel free to stick around after to connect informally with advising colleagues across campus.

To join the meeting, please use the Zoom link you should have received via email.  If you did not receive the invitation through the ACAA List, please sign-up for the list on the front page and email Bil Morrill and he will forward you the link & password. Note that you do not need to RSVP or register, but that there is a password to enter the session.

2020 Advisor Awards Program

In recognition of the significant role undergraduate advising/mentoring plays in fostering academic excellence at the University of Oregon, the Division of Undergraduate Education and Student Success (UESS) and the All-Campus Advising Association (ACAA) annually collaborates to provide two undergraduate advising/mentoring awards. This program highlights the outstanding faculty and professional advising/mentoring on the University of Oregon campus.

One faculty advisor and one professional advisor will receive a $2000 award each, generously provided by UESS. The recipients who best exhibit the qualities associated with excellent advising will be recognized at an awards brunch on Thursday, May 28th, 2020.

Faculty, students, staff, and officers of administration are welcome to nominate faculty and professional advisors who exemplify excellence in advising and meet the following eligibility requirements:

  • Outstanding Professional Advisor: Any professional whose job dictates that the majority of his/her responsibilities are in undergraduate advising.
  • Outstanding Faculty Advisor: Any appointed tenure track, non-tenure track, or adjunct faculty member who mentors or advises undergraduate students in addition to significant teaching and research responsibilities.

If you need to look up who your advisor is or which department or office they work in, use the Find an Advisor page.

If you have questions, please contact

The evaluation process: Nominations are an important part of this process, therefore the more information provided in the nomination, the better. Finalists will be narrowed down by the selection committee and ask to submit an advising philosophy to determine the winners of the award. All nominated advisors will be notified of their nomination alongside award winners in early May.

Click here to access the Nomination Survey and thank you for supporting our fantastic undergraduate advisors.

Please submit your nomination by February 14th, 2020.

2019 Advisor Award Announcements

UO President Michael Schill, Jessica Matthiesen – PPPM, Rachel Allen – SOJC, Gene Sandan – Director Tykeson College & Career Advising

Jessica Matthiesen and Rachel Allen were the recipients of the 2019 University of Oregon Excellence in Undergraduate Advising Awards.  These awards recognize and celebrate the positive impact of exceptional advising and mentoring on the student educational experience.

Matthiesen, Undergraduate Internship Director and Undergraduate Program Manager in the School of Planning, Public Policy and Management, received the Outstanding Faculty Advisor Award.

Allen, Assistant Director of Student Services in the School of Journalism and Communication, received the Outstanding Professional Advising Award.

Matthiesen and Allen were recognized at a brunch and award ceremony on May 30th. These honors are made possible through the collaborative efforts between the Division of Undergraduate Education and Student Success and the All Campus Advising Association (ACAA).

Speakers at the ceremony included UO President Michael Schill and Gene Sandan, Director of College and Career Advising.  President Schill spoke about his commitment to student success and emphasized how the new Tykeson Hall will play a central role in supporting students.  Sandan, who will be overseeing the advising staff in Tykeson Hall, thanked all the members of the UO advising community for the work they do.

More than 100 nominations were received, for a total of 50 individual faculty and professional advisors. The nominations represented 20 different departments, colleges, and student support offices.

2018 Advisor Award Announcements

The Division of Undergraduate Studies and the All-Campus Advising Association (ACAA) held their 5thannual Appreciation Brunch and Awards Ceremony on May 31stthis year. This ceremony celebrates the fantastic undergraduate advising and mentoring found across the UO campus and allows us to specifically recognize one Faculty and one Professional Undergraduate Advisor for their extraordinary dedication to UO students. This year’s honorees are Outstanding Faculty Award recipient Dr. Elizabeth Raisanen, Director of Undergraduate Advising and Instructor of Literature in The Robert Donald Clark Honors College; and Outstanding Professional Advisor Award recipient Angel Dorantes, Undergraduate Advising and Retention Coordinator for the Department of Education Studies in the College of Education. We congratulate Elizabeth and Angel and extend our appreciation for their compassion and dedication to undergraduate advising.

Outstanding Faculty Advisor:Dr. Elizabeth Raisanen, Robert Donald Clark Honors College

Outstanding Professional Advisor: Angel Dorantes, Education Studies

Upcoming Spring 2018 Events

ACAA and Division of Undergraduate Studies 2018 Excellence in Undergraduate Advising Awards

May 31, 8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.
Gerlinger Alumni Lounge
Brunch provided

Advising Mini-Conference, hosted by Office of Academic Advising, UGS

June 6, 1:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.  three consecutive sessions
Gerlinger Alumni Lounge
Light refreshments provided by Office of Academic Advising in UGS

Session schedule: 

  • Session 1: 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Reframing Mindsets to Improve Student Success, presented by Celena Simpson and Grant Schoonover (Pathway Oregon)
  • Session 2: 2:15 p.m. -3:15 p.m. – Small But Powerful: Using Mobile Devices to Supercharge Your Advising Documentation System, Andrew Wahlstrom (Lundquist College of Business)
  • Session 3: 3:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. – The Checklist Approach to Better Advising, Arturo Zavala (College of Design)